Monthly Archives: November 2012

Oral care (Home Remedies)

A clean mouth is a healthy mouth,  but also a healthy body. Studies have shown poor dental care can result in disease and over-all poor health

So brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly is of upmost importance for maintaining a healthy mouth.

Sensitive teeth and gum

  • Try putting some of the toothpaste on your finger or on a cotton swab and spreading it over the sensitive spots before you go to bed.Spit, but don’t rinse. Within a few weeks, your teeth should begin to feel less sensitive.
  • Try a fluoride rinse. rinses, fluoride available without a prescription at your local pharmacy or in the dental section of grocery stores, can help decrease sensitivity, especially for people plagued with decay problems. Use it once a day. Swish it around in your mouth, then spit it out.
  • Sometimes, people with sensitive teeth need a stronger fluoride rinse or gel than the ones available over the counter. For example, some treatments for gum disease, such as root planing (which reduces plaque), can leave sensitive teeth even more sensitive than usual. In such situations, dentists can apply a fluoride gel that helps relieve the problem.
  • Keep your teeth clean. Plaque, the white gummy substance that forms on teeth, produces an acid that irritates teeth, especially if your choppers are naturally sensitive. Wage a daily attack against plaque by brushing at least twice, preferably right after eating and especially before bed, and flossing at least once.

Healthy teeth

  • Keep your mouth clean with water and gargling. By doing so, you can remove the food particles that are left out and stuck between the teeth.
  • Use a combination of mashed strawberries and sage leaf, massage the same into the teeth area, and rinse it out. What you will see will be natural white shining teeth.
  • Lime juice, when mixed with baking soda, also works as one of the best options in natural teeth whitening.
  • Flossing the teeth once in a day also helps to eradicate all the problems related to teeth whitening and other oral problems.
  • Avoid the usage of red wine and coffee as they are harmful to your teeth and can leave unwanted stain on your teeth.
  • Try to drink as much of water and milk in a day as you can. This will help you in getting better results, naturally. Also, you might be able to cut down your visits to a dental clinic.
  • Use a tooth paste which is approved under American Dental Association. Currently, the market is loaded with many teeth whitening toothpastes. Try them out and see the results.
  • Take healthy cereals for teeth because they can naturally increase your teeth strengths and whitening effects too.
  • Eating lot of fruits and vegetables is really beneficial for teeth and for other parts of body as well, since it is said that healthy food is good to gain healthy body, healthy bones and healthy teeth. Thus, always choose healthy cereals for teeth.



An everyday use household product such as an onion can benefit one a great deal to get rid of toothache. One simply needs to place a small piece of onion on the tooth or gum that is causing pain. Onions hold antibacterial properties that can help one combat toothache effectively. In fact, chewing few onion slices on daily basis can prevent the occurrence of dental issues in your life to a great extent.


Rinsing one’s mouth with a solution of salt water can help one deal with pain as well as tooth infection. One should rinse their mouth numerous times in a day, in order to kill the infection that is causing toothache. Eradicating the infection would eventually reduce the pain accompanied with the condition.

Clove Oil

Another effective homemade remedy for toothache includes clove oil. In order to make this solution work, one needs to use a cotton ball and drop few drops of clove oil into it. Once the cotton ball soaks the solution, one should place the cotton ball on the infected tooth. One will experience a numbness effect for nearly an hour after the application of clove oil. If the pain persists, one should try this remedy more than once in a day.

Wheat Grass

Not many people out there are aware of the fact that wheat grass juice can also enable them to seek relief from toothache. This juice works like a mouthwash for dental decay, and thereby offers relief against mild and severe tooth pain. Loaded with organic antibiotics, it withdraws the toxins present in our gums to get rid of bacterial growth.


Application of icepack can also do the trick for individuals affected by toothache. Individuals are advised to grab a few ice cubes and then wrap them inside a towel. One should then place the ice wrapped towel on the affected area to find relief from pain.


Pepper powder combined with common salt can be used to deal with toothache effectively. Those who use the mixture of pepper powder and common salt on daily basis are able to enjoy some added benefits such as reduction in cavity, bad breath and gums bleeding.


Interestingly, alcohol can also come to one’s rescue, when a person is troubled with toothache. Alcohol contributes towards the reduction of tooth pain by causing numbness. One simply needs to rub some amount of whisky on the aching tooth. One can also make use of alcohol soaked cotton ball over here to place it on the right of the aching teeth. The good news is that this remedy offers instant relief from the troublesome pain.

Remove canker sores

  1. Baking Soda. To get rid of that canker sore, use this home remedy with baking soda. Just make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the baking soda paste to the canker sore.
  2. Black Tea Bag. A traditional way to alleviate the pain of canker sores is with a black tea bag. This home remedy for canker sores will work in just a few minutes. Make your tea as normal and when you are finished with your tea bag, place it on the canker sore. It will hurt in the beginning, but you will feel the pain start to subside. You can do this over and over again, but it is best to use a freshly brewed tea bag that has not been used before.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide. To make a homemade remedy for canker sores using hydrogen peroxide, use the following recipe. Take two ounces of hydrogen peroxide (food grade) and two ounces of water. Add in five teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda. Mix everything together and then rinse your mouth for at least one minute. Do this four to five times daily and your canker sore will be gone in just a few days.
  4. Aloe Vera Juice. Aloe Vera has long been used for burns, cuts and warts. Now it is a wonderful home remedy for canker sores. Just juice the entire leaf and dab the juice on the canker sore with a cotton swab. In just a few days, the canker sore will be gone and so will be the pain.
  5. Plum Juice. Plum juice is one of the best home remedies for canker sores that you can use. Just take two tablespoons of the juice and rinse your mouth as you would any mouth wash. If the pain is too much then dab a cotton swab in the juice and hold it on the canker sore for a few minutes. The intense pain of the canker sore will be gone in just a few minutes.

Lip care (Home Remedies)

A sweet smile gives pleasure to everyone. To light up your day have a beautiful and wide smile on your face. Behind the beautiful smile are beautiful lips. The lips are the most important and exquisitely sensitive part of your body. And therefore you have to take special care of your lips.

Start off with a lip scrub recipe:


1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of baking soda
Olive oil

Mix honey and baking ingredients until the mass resembles a paste.
Apply the mix on your lips and leave it on for a couple of minutes.
Gently rub the lips.
Wash of with lukewarm water

Let the lips dry out and then apply olive oil. It will help the lips hydrate.

There is also a recipe that is very simple, too. Apply unsalted butter on your lips occasionally. That’s it. It has the same effect as the olive oil.

Mix sugar and honey. Scrub well for 3 minutes, then rinse an apply moisturizing chap stick. For best results, repeat once a week. Wear chap stick everyday.

Dark lips

Dark lips is a common lips problem which is caused by excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, excessive exposure to sun, skin dryness, wrong makeup and heavy makeup, using products of cheap brand lipsticks with fragrance, allergy and dryness. So the first thing you should do to remove dark lips is to quit excessive Tea or Coffee, smoking, cheap lipsticks, exposure to sun and lip licking. In addition you can follow these tips and home remedies to have nice and beautiful lips.

1. Scrub your lips with toothbrush every night after you brush your teeth to erase dead skins from your lips.

2. Use lemon juice with almond oil or glycerin every night on your lips.

3. Before using any lipstick do a patch test by applying it on your arm. Do not use that lipstick if there is any sort of irritation or other discomfort.

4. Always remove the lipsticks every night before going to sleep.

5. Apply fresh coconut milk over your face and lips. This gives a glow to your skin and avoids lips getting dark or dry.

6. Apply Vaseline to your lips regularly.

7. Apply a little ghee every night. This keeps lips moisturized.

8. Apply lemon juice to your lips daily, to lighten them slightly.

9. Never use old, expired lipsticks, and make sure you stick to reputed brand names.

10. Apply honey on your dark lips for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

11. Apply toothpaste on your dark lips for 3 minutes before shower or bathe.

12. Apply cream from curds with saffron on your lips.

13. Apply a layer of oil and leave it on for several hours. Best apply before going to bed.

14. Massage lips every night with a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerin and 1/2 tsp. Castor oil with 1/2 tsp. Lemon juice and leave overnight.

15. Always take plenty of vegetable, fruit and water.

16. If you must need to use lipstick, use a branded one and do not use it when the date has expired.

17. If you are open in sun for long, use UV protectors on your lipsticks.

Chapped lips

1. Coconut oil is very effective in treating chapped lips. Simply apply small amount of oil on your lips several times daily.
2. Aloe Vera is an amazing healing agent for our skin. Put a small amount of Aloe Vera gel on your lips daily to cure chapped lips.
3. Crush some rose petals and add few drops of glycerin on them. Apply it on your lips every night before going to bed. It will help you to retain the color and lost moister of your lips.
4.  Rub a slice of cucumber on your lips to get rid of chapped lips.
5.  Apply castor oil on your dry lips to make them smooth and pink.

Cracked lips

1. Apply a drop of fresh honey (pasteurized honey) onto the lips
2. Honey helps to hydrate and moisturize the lips
3. Coat the honey with vitamin E
4. Buy vitamin e at the drug store
5. Or take a vitamin e capsule punch a hole into the capsule and apply over the lips at night leave on overnight and you’ll wake up beautiful healed and smoothed lips.

Anti aging skin care ( home remedies)

It is not a secret that natural anti aging skin care has become the thing to do lately. This is great news considering how long we were exposed to chemicals and told that we must resort to surgery and other invasive techniques. We don’t mind aging, we just want to age gracefully

Some anti aging treatment, home remedies and treatment for premature skin aging are:

  • Massaging face with ghee, almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed.
  • Applying fresh aloe Vera gel to the skin
  • Using grated cucumber in a face pack.

Remove Red spot

Lemon- Over time, usually from 2 to 8 weeks, the age spots and discoloration will fade. Twice daily, apply fresh lemon juice with a cotton ball over the affected area.

Red onion- If your skin is intolerant to the lemon juice, apply fresh onion juice using the above directions. To make onion juice pulverize the onion in a blender. Do not use yellow or white onions for this skin recipe.

Castor Oil- Apply the castor oil twice daily using a wiping motion with a cotton ball. For an intense treatment affix the piece of cotton to the area overnight using an adhesive strip or medical tape.
Removing age spot

1. Aloe Rubbing fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the spots will help fade them. Use the gel twice a day for a month or two. Juice from the aloe plant is excellent for healing burns and is also beneficial as a general healing agent.

2. Apple cider vinegar Combine two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of orange juice and apply to the spots, preferably on a cloth or cotton pad that is secured to the area.

3. Bilberry herb slows some of the aging processes and acts as an antioxidant. Take 4-8 oz. of fresh berries, 80-160 mg of bilberry extract (25% anthocyanidin), or 20-40 mg anthocyanosides daily.

4. Buttermilk Dab buttermilk on the spots. The lactic acid and other ingredients in the milk are beneficial to the skin. Buttermilk has been used for generations as a skin cleanser and as a beauty aid.

5. Castor oil Apply castor oil on the spots in the morning and in the evening, and rub well into the skin. The spots should disappear within a month.

6. Take fresh or canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), mash about 1/3 cupful and add a little water. Smear this paste on the spots and leave it there until it dries.

7. Dandelion Break open a dandelion stem and rub the sap on the spots 2-3x per day. Good for warts, too. Will Greer (Grandpa Walton) used this method successfully.

8. Using the ancient Chinese herb gotu kola. Mix 1/8 teaspoon of powdered herb into a cup of herbal tea or add it to plain hot water along with 1/8 teaspoon of ginseng and a pinch of cayenne. This remedy should clear the spots in a few days.

9. Mix one teaspoon grated horseradish root, 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil. Dab onto your age spots with a cotton ball once or twice a day (less if you have sensitive skin); it will exfoliate the top layer of skin and your spot should lighten. Jeanette Jacknin, M.D. in Smart Medicine for Your Skin.

10. Some fresh lemon juice on the spots twice daily. If you are going outdoors, wait for the juice to dry as it increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. It may take a few months, but the acidity in the juice will cause the spots to fade away.

Treating Loose facial skin

1. Egg White Mask to Tighten Sagging Skin: For a quick homemade beauty remedy for skin-tightening, you can make use of egg white mask. Egg white is known to tighten sagging skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Take whipped egg whites and spread them all over your face. Let it dry for 20 minutes and then wash it off. This natural skin tightening egg white mask tones your facial skin and reduces the size of pores.

2. Papaya Facial Mask for Skin Tightening: Papaya is a fruit that is extremely useful for firming sagging and loose skin. A papaya face mask can help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores. Papaya has an enzyme called papain that will prevent wrinkles, clear enlarged pores and make them appear smaller, and make your skin soft and looking young.

Prepare a natural face mask by mixing mashed papaya, rice flour and honey together. Keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. This is one of the best facial masks for getting rid of sagging skin and wrinkles.

3. Olive Oil for Natural Skin Tightening: Olive oil helps prevent sagging and maintain the firmness of your facial skin.

Mix olive oil with lemon juice and spread it on your face and neck. Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Olive oil moisturizes skin and lemon lightens and brightens it.

4. Cabbage Facemasks to Firm Sagging Skin Naturally:  Homemade cabbage face lift mask help tighten facial skin, reduce lines and prevent wrinkles. Cabbage has plenty of the vitamins A, B, C, K and P, and these keeps skin well nourished.

Make a face mask using 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cabbage, 2 teaspoons of rice flour, and 1 egg white. Simply apply this natural skin tightening mask on your face.

5. Aloe Vera Juice to Tighten the Facial Skin: Another good option for facial firmness is aloe vera juice. Aloe vera helps to soothe the skin and help it purge impurities that can clog the pores.

Apart from applying above methods, there are some foods for pigmentation which helps in recovering from anti-aging:- green leaves, beetroot, citrus fruits and dry fruits etc.

Apply fresh aloe vera juice to tighten the skin on your face. It also provides a moisturizing effect to your face.


Your nails tell a lot about you. Strong and healthy nails serve as the perfect representative of the overall health and wellness of a person. Fortunately, you do not need a lot of time and money to maintain healthy nails. Here are a few tips and recipes to help you.

Sea salt soak for brittle nails

2 tbsps. – fine grain sea salt

2 drops – lemon essential oil or some lemon juice

2 drops – frankincense essential oil (optional)

2 drops – myrrh essential oil (optional)

2 drops – wheat germ oil (optional)

Add the ingredients to a small bowl of warm water. Soak your nails for 10 to 15 minutes, two times a week and then apply hand cream. You will notice the results very soon.

Beer, oil and apple cider vinegar nail soak

¼ cup – apple cider vinegar

¼ cup – olive oil

½ cup – beer

Heat olive oil (warm to touch). Mix well with beer and apple cider vinegar. Soak your nails for 10 to 15 minutes. Enjoy your strengthened and nourished nails.

Cayenne pepper mask for brittle nails

1 tsp. – hand cream

½ tsp. – cayenne pepper

10 drops – water

Mix the ingredients well, apply to nails for 15-20 minutes, rinse. Leftover mixture can be kept in a fridge. Use 1 to 2 times a week.

Black currant nail mask recipe

1 tbsp. – black currant

1 tbsp. – wheat flour

½ tbsp. – cream

Mash black currant with back of spoon until pulpy. Mix well with cream and flour. Apply the mixture on your nails, put on cotton gloves, leave it for 2 hours, then rinse.

Herbal nail treatment recipe

1 tbsp. – dry chamomile flowers

1 tbsp. – dry peppermint

2 tbsps. – wheat flour

½ tsp. – olive oil

1 cup – water

Pour boiling water over the mixed herbs. Steep for 1-1 ½ hours, then strain. Blend well with flour and olive oil. Apply the mixture on your nails and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse.

For simply wanting a whiter appearance to nails that have yellowed due to over-use of nail polish, or dryness of nails due to using finger nail polish remover often, soak the nails in lemon juice alone for 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands in warm water, and enjoy brighter, whiter-tipped, healthier nails.

Beauty arms and legs

Dark elbow and knee

  • Rub lime juice over the discolored area and leave for 15-20 minutes. Soak a towel in hot water and scrub firmly. Repeat this for 2 weeks.
  • Mix half teaspoon of lime juice with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply and wash in the same way with a hot towel. Repeat this everyday for better results.

Rough palm

  • Take 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of any oil. Massage between both palms for a minute and rinse after 10 minutes.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of sugar along with 1 teaspoon of lime juice and rub between palms for a minute or two and wash after 10-15 minutes.

Rough hands and feet

  • Add corn flour to hot water and soak hands and feet in it for 5-10 minutes before sleep.
  • Make a paste out of roasted onion by smashing it. Apply this paste on cracked heels and wash after 20 minutes. Continue this for one month and you will see the difference.
  • After a bath massage Mustard oil well into hands and feet when your body is still moist. Wash with water and pat with a towel to dry.
  • Add half teaspoon Vinegar to half a cup of curd. Massage feet and ankles well with this mix and wash after five minutes.
  • Mix Candle wax with Mustard oil and heat. Now apply this gently on the cracked areas of the heels. Wear socks over this, leave overnight and wash in the morning.

Mask for hand and feet

  • Papaya – Half cup
  • Pineapple – Half cup
  • Avocado – Half cup
  • Honey 4 tablespoons
  • Bran 1 cup

Procedure – Make a paste out of the above ingredients and apply till elbows for hands and ankles for feet. Wash after it gets dried up. This helps to get soft and supple skin.

Home Remedies for Most Diseases


Following are some of the simple tips to prevent diabetes:

  • Avoid eating starchy foodstuff as they are not easily digestible.
  • Take less amount of oil in your food.
  • Avoid coffee, sugar, refined flour and alcohol.
  • Do not take heavy meals. Eat small meals as they foods are easily digestible and are good for the health of diabetics.
  • Take low fat diet and eat vegetables like spinach, cucumber.
  • Eat fruits and milk product like cheese.
  • Live a stress free life, stress will worsen the conditions.
  • There is no restriction on fish and soy for a diabetic patient.
  • Avoid white bread, rice, potatoes, sweet and sugary food.
  • Do not eat junk food and oily food.
  • Onion, sprouts, beans, garlic and tomatoes lower the sugar level in the blood.


  • Soak two table spn of coriander seeds for overnight in one glass of water near about 200 ml, in the morning boil it and make it 100 milliliter it be at room temperature and drink it on empty stomach. repeat it in the evening.
  • Juices of fruits such as orange, apple, pineapple, and grapes may be taken every two or three hours from 8 am to 8 pm for five days. The bowels should be cleaned daily with lukewarm water.
  • The patient should take plenty of rest and spend a day in bed every week for the first two months of the treatment.
  • Certain foods and fluids are extremely injurious for thyroid patients and should be avoided by them. These include white flour products, white sugar, flesh foods, fried or greasy foods, preserves, condiments, tea, coffee and alcohol.
  • No drugs should be taken as they cause irritation in the tissues. Iodine is undoubtedly most helpful in many cases, but it should be introduced in organic form all foods containing iodine should be taken liberally. These are asparagus, cabbage, garlic, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress and strawberries.
  • Take bayberry, goldenseal, and myrrh for an underactive thyroid.

High blood pressure

  • Additionally, fruits and vegetables provide a significant source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. The diet also recommends that individuals include at least three whole grain foods per day and limit or avoid foods made from refined flour. Replace solid fats such as butter, cream and cheese with low fat or non-fat dairy products.
  •  Consume more high quality protein foods such as lean meats, poultry and seafood. Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are particularly helpful in lowering high blood pressure.
  • Nuts, seeds and legumes provide plant proteins that have heart healthy benefits and increase healthy cholesterol. In addition to healthy eating, the DASH diet recommends limiting your alcohol intake and stop smoking.

Low blood pressure

  • High fiber foods: If you’re eating white bread changing to whole wheat can help. Buy cereals high in fiber like Raisin Bran, Total, or Special K’s. Eat more oatmeal, and buy vegetables that are high in fiber, like broccoli, spinach, or fresh green beans. They will help lower your blood pressure, and, because they tend to be filling, will also help you lose weight
  • .Eat more foods high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Eat more nuts and seeds, legumes, bananas, oranges, apples, avocados, and melons.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids also help lower blood pressure. Fish, such as salmon, cod, mackerel, and tuna are beneficial for lowering blood pressure by relaxing the artery walls.
  • Alcohol beverages tend to raise blood pressure. Limit yourself to 1 glass of beer or 4 oz. of wine a day.
  • Limit the amount of carbohydrates that you eat. Eat fewer potatoes, buy whole wheat bread instead of white bread, and don’t eat as much sweet food like cookies, cakes, candy, and yes, cutting down on soda will also help.

Malaria fever

  • You can boil one glassful of water with one tsp of Cinnamon powder. Drink this after adding pinch of pepper powder and honey. This gives relief in malarial fever up to certain extent.
  • Grapefruit is another one of the good home remedies for malaria. It can be taken on daily basis. Grapefruit contains some natural quinine like material. To gain this benefit, boil quarter of a grapefruit and strain its pulp. Take an extract and consume it.
  • Fever nut plant’s seeds are very beneficial in the treatment of malaria. They are readily available in the herbal store. You can go for either any of the fever nut preparation or can purchase raw and make powder of it. Take this under medical supervision. This is one of the well liked home remedies for malaria.
  • Lime and lemon are also time tested and trusted home remedy for malaria. Take 3 gm of lime dissolved in about 60 ml of water and the juice of 1 lemon adding into it. This water is to be taken the moment one starts feeling feverish.
  • Try to avoid junk food, packed food, spicy and oily food. This will make the malarial case worse.
  • During the fever in malaria, cold pack application will be beneficial to reduce the body’s temperature.

Dengue fever

  • Apply the mud pack on the lower abdomen two or three times a day.
  • If the temperature rises very high, cold pack to the forehead.
  • Keep the intestine clean by taken an enema everyday.
  • Sandalwood paste applied on the temple relieves headache and bring down the temperature in fever.

Cover yourself completely, especially when you are visiting mosquito-infested areas. Make sure you are wearing a long-sleeved shirt, socks and shoes.


It is very important to understand the root of your pain since pain usually signals an underlying trauma or malfunction in the body which if ignored could be aggravated. The best way to prevent body aches is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get plenty of exercise. Lack of exercise can lead to pain in the lower back; it is also vital to pull heavy objects rather than push them in an attempt to shift them. Obesity is another reason for lower back pain Massaging with any herbal oil provides instantaneous relief. 1 large teaspoonful of fresh carrot juice and lemon juice, consumed daily also helps combat body ache.

Apart from this is you also confront swelling in your body, try drinking barley water since that helps reduce swelling. Swelling in feet can be reduced by resting with your legs raised (either resting on a pillow while in bed, or then on a low stool while sitting) and also by soaking your feet in running cold water for 10 to 15 minutes.

You should avoid coffee, alcoholic drinks and food items high in salt content since these dehydrate the body and lead to swelling. An excellent home remedy for swelling application of ground black cumin seeds with hot water on the relevant parts of the body

Lemon Juice
As one of the most efficient overnight treatments for pimples, use lemon juice to get rid of inflammation and pain. Extract the juice of a medium sized lemon, then dip a cotton ball into the lotion and rub the acne with it. Leave the juice on for overnight and rinse it off with cold water in the morning.

Fenugreek Leaves ( kasturi methi)
Organic remedies will help you get rid of pimples in a mild, yet more efficient way than with the use of chemicals. Therefore, use fenugreek leaves and apply them to the affected portions of the skin before going to bed. Leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the ritual more times per week for the desired result.
Lavender Oil
Essential oils can do magic with our complexion. Therefore, use lavender oil to handle this delicate problem of whiteheads and red spots on your body. Pour 2 tsp of lavender oil into a small bowl and add a few drops of water to reduce its strength and make it perfect to apply on your skin. Use a cotton swab to apply it to the pimples and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Finally you can wash the homemade mask off with lukewarm water.
This miraculous ingredient is used to get rid of most of the skin problems that might affect our complexion throughout our life. In the case of acne all you have to do is apply a tiny amount of honey to the pimple, then cover it with a band aid. Leave it overnight then in the morning you can rinse it off with tepid water. The results will be visible only after a few sessions.
Cumin Seeds
Use the common household ingredient to prepare a fine paste and apply it to the most affected spots. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes, then wash it off with cold water. Repeat this treatment each time you feel like pampering your skin with a soothing remedy for acne.


Every women love their hair and love it long. For most of the women in India, it is in their tradition to keep their tresses long and healthy and shiny. Indian men, too like their women with black and long hair. Good length and healthy hair is what marks the beauty of the Indian women. Hair is an indicator of good health, too.

It is extremely important to maintain and enhance the quality of hair and take care of those long tresses without much mess. Traditionally it is customary for most of the women in India to oil their hair regularly. Here are few tips:

Hair Care Tips

Normal coconut oil just helps keep the hair non-messy and neatly tied. But unlike the myth it does not help grow hair.
Many essential oils are applied and kept overnight to make hair real smooth and shiny. Almond oil is known for its good qualities and helps hair grow long faster and makes hair silky.


Those with naturally curly hair will be aware that it is a hair type that can need a lot of care. Straightening irons, expensive products and treatments are not the only option. More eco friendly ways of treating curly locks can be found in the kitchen.

Natural Hair Wash

Hair can be washed with apple cider vinegar . Vinegar has been rated highly for years as a hair rinse believing to promote shine and health. Vinegar adjusts the pH of hair when used diluted as a rinse. It is important to use vinegar sparingly and in conjunction with a good conditioner. Otherwise it can be drying to the hair if used too often. Hair can be clarified with baking soda and then washed with an apple cider vinegar rinse. Baking soda is alkaline and raises the hair cuticle; vinegar is acidic and closes the cuticle again.

Curly hair is often more porous and sometimes more sensitive chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate so avoiding harsh shampoos will help keep hair from getting dry and frizzy.

Honey Conditioner

Mix a spoon of honey into a cup of water and massage carefully into hair. Leave hair to soak for five minutes and then wash out carefully.

Home made Styling Products          

 Aloe Vera can be used as a serum to eliminate frizz and add shine to curls, simply break off a leaf and squeeze out as much as is required. Olive oil is another easy way to add shine, a few drops are sufficient to smooth hair.

Deep Hair Conditioning Treatments

Curly hair sometimes needs additional conditioning treatments to stay shiny. An easy way to boost moisture is to mix half an avocado with a spoon of olive oil. Massage carefully into hair and leave for twenty minutes with an old shower cap to aid penetration. Other hair masks can be made using coconut milk, banana and honey. Experiment with combinations to find a good formula that eliminates frizz and improves condition.

Managing Curly Hair

It is best to keep use of heated products to a minimum. Bending over when hair is wet and using hands to scrunch curls adds lift without drying hair out. Rags can be used in wet hair to create tighter or looser curls, and can be left in hair overnight. Avoiding brushes is important with curly hair as they commonly cause frizz, it is advisable to use fingers to comb hair and eliminate tangles without breaking or damaging fragile hair. .

Home made Remedies for Oily Hair
Hair becomes oily for some people because of excess secretion of oil by the oil glands. Oily hair has a beautiful look for 1-2 days after shampooing but becomes sticky later. You should wash oily hair twice or thrice a week. Here are some homemade tips.

Mild shampoo is to be used for washing oily hair. You should frequently wash them.
One teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel should be mixed with one tablespoon of lemon juice along with one-fourth of shampoo. This mixture can be used for washing them regularly.
You can apply carrot puree for 15 minutes and rinse off.

It is very difficult to control dry hair having dry and split ends. Dry hair tends to be rough, thin, and brittle. Hair gets dried when oil glands become inactive. Lot of care and nourishment is therefore necessary for dry hair. Let us know some of the homemade remedies for dry hair.

Take two tablespoons of gram flour and add to a cup of coconut milk and apply on the scalp massaging gently. Rinse the hair thoroughly after five minutes. It is an effective method for home hair care when used once a week.
Massaging the scalp with warm almond or olive oil is also helpful.
A teaspoon of lavender oil should be added to the coconut oil and then heated for a few seconds. Apply it to hair at night and shampoo the next morning. When you do this twice a week, you can obtain a soft and shiny hair.
Make a paste of egg yolk and water and apply it to hair for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the hair off with cold water.
Mix equal amounts of edible oil and honey and apply it to hair. Let it remain for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
Deficiency of zinc is the primary cause of dry hair. So a zinc rich diet is to be taken daily.


  •  Before going to bed, take 2 tsp pure vinegar and mix it with 6 tsp water and apply it on the scalp . Tie a towel around the head. Wash your head next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Do these once a week for at least three months.
  • Boil five teaspoons of dried and used tealeaves in limewater, use it as a last rinse after shampoo, to give your scalp skin, the factors of anti-dandruff formation. This gives your hair… a lustrous shine and provides nourishment too.
  • Take 100gm each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai and boil in two litre of water until the liquid reduces to half. Apply this shampoo on your hair for one month. It will remove dandruff and will provide thickness and shine to your hair.
  • Mustard Oil boiled with henna (mehendi) leaves helps in reducing dandruff.
  • Mix 1 teaspoons lemon juice with 2 teaspoons vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.
  • Add few Leaves Of Hibiscus to a glass of water. Heat it gently .Mix lime juice 1tsp into it. Apply this mixture on your scalp before shampooing.
  • Gently massage scalp with brandy and then wash off. This helps in relieving the problem of dandruff.
  • Instead of shampooing, massage handfuls of baking soda into the hair and scalp to absorb oil and to loosen dead skin on scalp. Rinse thoroughly and use no other shampoos. While initially the hair may seem dry, after several weeks, dandruff will go off and hair will be smooth and shiny.
  • Take 1 part almond oil, 1 part pure sulphur powder, 2 parts ‘surgical spirit’ and 4 parts distilled water or rose water and mix well. Rub on the scalp.
  • Before shampooing, massage the scalp with salt for some time and then wash off. When done over a period of time, this helps in completely getting rid of dandruff.
  • Mix some camphor in coconut oil. Use this oil for daily application on the scalp. The application should be done nicely, with the fingertips working at the hair roots in the scalp. The problem of dandruff will be solved in about fifteen days.
  • Take 2 cup water, add 4-5 tablespoons dried thyme and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and use the mixture to massage scalp. Keep for half an hour.
  • Apply lemon juice sweetened with sugar on the scalp. Then expose the hair to the sun’s heat for five to six hours. When this is done, wash the hair with soap. This is a difficult but definite method to solve the dandruff problem.
  • Apply grated carrots to the scalp and leave for some time to prevent dandruff. Wash off as usual.
  • Apply poppy seeds ground with milk on the scalp. Later wash with plain water or water mixed with herbs such as shikakai.

BEAUTY TIPS (Home Remedies)

Find the best skin care remedies right in your home. The latest homemade facial recipes revealed for all your skin problems. Clean and treat your skin with the most natural facials for a natural, healthy skin. Create your own luxurious SPA treatments with these homemade facials containing ingredients from your own kitchen. Find the recipe that you need and treat any type of skin: oily or dry, with acne or aging signs and everything that’s in between.


While dry skin is less likely to get pimples than oily skin, it is still frustrating. Severely dry skin feels tight and itchy. If you suffer from this pesky skin issue, you don’t have to buy expensive lotions or creams. Read on to find out several treatments you can make at home to soothe your skin.

Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub

Combining olive oil and sugar will create a great scrub that not only exfoliates your skin, but moisturizes it as well.

Put 1/4 cup of olive oil in a small bowl.

Add 1 tsp of sugar in the bowl.

Apply the mixture to your face and let it absorb into your skin for 20 minutes.

After you rinse your face with lukewarm water, your skin will feel as soft as butter.

Honey Mask

Honey mixed with carrot juice and egg yolk will make a wonderful mask for dry skin.

Mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp of carrot juice in a small bowl.

Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Then, gently blot your face with a towel to remove the mask.

Oatmeal Face Cleanser

Wash your face with an oatmeal face cleanser and you will be left with soft, supple skin.

Put 3 tbsp of uncooked oatmeal in a small bowl and add a few drops of water to dampen it. Then, add 2 tsp of witch hazel to the mix.

Apply the mixture to your face in a circular motion and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Yogurt Mask

In addition to being healthy and delicious, yogurt makes a great mask for dry skin.

Take some yogurt that’s been stored in your refrigerator and put it all over your face.

Add a bit of honey if your skin is very dry. Leave it on your face for 10 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.



Oily skin is a major cause of creating pimples, acne, black and white heads and freckles on your face. Your face glows due to oiliness, which do not looks better. So it’s a big challenge for you, if you have an oily skin to fight with it by paying full attention on your skin.

Homemade treatments

Your skin is oily due to an internal change, instead of an external change. Women mostly use a different company’s product as a treatment of their oily skin, but some of them are useful to some extent. It is best to use those treatments that can cure your skin both internally and externally.

Here we are giving you some homemade tips and suggestions for treatment of your oily skin. All these tips are very simple, useful and less costly. You should have to follow these tips properly to get desirable result.

Use too much fluids:

You should have to use a lot of fluids in your routine life.

Use of too much water is helpful for removing oil from your body.

You can also use fresh juices, especially citrus fruits that are very good oil removing agents.

Proper usage of fluids can also make your skin fresh.

Proper use of Vegetables and Fruits:

You should have to add uncooked vegetables and fruits in your diets, if you want to get rid of oily skin.

Use of Carbohydrate floor:

At home all of us use floor for making bread. If it is full of carbohydrates than you can also used it for your skin cleansing as its very good face wash for oily skin.

Simply make a paste of it and apply it on your face.

It can absorb extra oil from your skin after dryness. Now your face looks fairy.

Lemon and Cucumber paste:

For removing oil from your skin, use Lemon, which is full of Citric Acid and Vitamin C with Cucumber which is also suitable for oily skin.

Add Lemon juice in cucumber paste and use it on your skin with the help of cotton ball to get good result.

Extract of Apple with Lime juice:

People mostly eat fruits for providing energy to their body as its full of nutrients. But you can also use these fruits for oily skin as cleansing agent.

Mix two table spoon of Apple juice with two tablespoon of Lime juice and use it on oily skin.

Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then remove it with cold water, so that you pore become close and you can desirable result.

Usage of Frozen Potatoes:

You can also use Potatoes for your oily skin as it is full of Starch. Make its paste and freeze it.

After freezing use its pieces on face. Now you can feel a unique change in your skin.

Best treatment for oily skin:

This treatment is best for those having an oily skin.

Use one tablespoon of Yogurt, 1 tablespoon of Oatmeal, Cucumber paste and very little amount of Turmeric.

You can also use Lime juice to get better results. Now mix all these things and make a paste.

Use this paste on your face with the help of any wooden or plastic stick. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

After that remove this paste with water, without rubbing your face. Now use paper softly for skin dryness.

You can see now an amazing change occur in yourself.


Women cannot use Lemon juice in any homemade treatment if they               have an allergic skin.

You must have to use cold water after cleansing as it is helpful in closing your skin pores.

Always use tissue paper or cotton ball for skin dryness.

Do not use fried foods. Always try to use food having less fats in it.

Try to use homemade treatments then market products.

Acne for oily skin by applying homemade remedies

First of all acne is a skin disorder which is caused due to hormonal imbalance. By eating junk foods which contains excessive amount of animal fat, chemical and sugar in it, which can easily led to hormonal imbalance. Hence it will make your face oily. Which is the main reason to get this diseases .Hence to get rid of this, following steps will help u to cure your acne totally.

clean your face and skin with glycerin soaps

Why glycerin based soaps because it attracts moisture to the skin and keeps your skin free from oil and dirt even during the hot weather. And do wash your face on regular basis by using glycerin based soaps with this u will easily get rid of oily skin without any over drying or irritation. Also the major reason behind using this soap is it balances acidity of your skin and creates a great atmosphere for bacteria to grow.  Hence it will result u in clean and smoothie face.

Homemade oatmeal facial mask

Oatmeal is the best component for homemade facial mask and it works really great. Because it absorbs all the oil from your face and makes face oil free. All u have to do is just make regular oatmeal and mix it with water and make a thick paste of it. And apply on your face , keep it in for 15- 20 min, and wash your face with cold water, repeat it twice in a day early in the morning and night before going to bed.

Apple and honey facial mask

Honey is the best natural medium to cure acne, what you have to do is just make an apple paste and add 2-4 spoons of honey in it and mix it well and apply on your face as it will absorb all the oil, and wash your face with warm water, repeat it on regular basis till when u are rid of acne.

Treat acne by Garlic

Garlic is also the best way to treat acne, why because it has antibacterial properties in it, what u have to do is, take fresh garlic remove some cloves of fresh garlic and make a pulp of it and remove the juice out of it and store it in a bowl, and apply it on your face for 6 min and wash it with regular water, don’t keep it for longer time as it will start burning, hence by eating garlic u can be protected from future skin breakouts.

Acne can be cured by taking pills and various medicines but according to me treating acne naturally is the best one. And these following homemade remedies are proven ones which has no side effects.

Tomato face pack: Tomato juice is a good natural astringent and it is very good for oily acne prone skin.

Take half tomato and mash it well.

Add a small grated cucumber and make a paste. Then add 2tsp. lemon juice.

Mix all the ingredients well. This face pack is suitable for oily skin that have a tendency to get acne, pimples. Wash your face with water.

Apply this face mask on the face. Wait for 10-15 min. then wash it off.

To control the oily skin these face mask can help you a lot.

Just apply this face pack once in a week minimum.

Make the experience a joy and get the finest result.


Every girl wants to look beautiful and stylish. Being a teen girl does not mean that you put on lots of make up and do not put on anything. Though it becomes quite tough to keep the balance between overdoing the make up and doing minimal make up. Teen age is not easy and it becomes very hard for the girls to maintain their identity of being “just you”. Not every teenage girl can be so popular as you watch on the movies or on the cover magazine. These girls are trained by the make up experts time to time. But you have to make out yourself that what tricks you should apply to stand out in the group.

Here are some simple make up tips for girls to assist them and find which make up tip works for them and what not. Remember there certain face parts that you wish to play with like your eyes, lips as well as other parts. You just need to pick up your best feature as well as work on it!

You should keep in mind the things to do while applying make up on your face. Let’s see few tips that can help you in enhancing your beauty:

Foundation: Different varieties of foundation, liquid, sticks, minerals, creams, and tinted moisturizer are there in the market. You should try different types of foundations on your face to know which one is best and suits your skin type. This is the most ideal way to find out the best suitable foundation for you. Do not just purchase a color simply because it seems good when it is packed. If possible then try to find samples of dissimilar colors of foundations and apply them on the chin line. Most of the girls use it on the back of their hands which is not the right way.

Choosing the apt shade of blush-on is very important. Shades of red and pink are the best for girls with pale skins. If your skin tone is medium then search for darker pink shades or something in light bronze. Plums and berries shades will assist counteract shallowness if your skin tone is yellow. Ethic skin tones check out shade of pink and red which are more incline to brown tones. Remember blush-on helps in giving a healthy and fabulous glow to your face.


People with dark skin have a great desire for fair complexion. They deeply associate fair complexion with beauty and is more common with women. In fact some dusky or olive skin toned people try all possible means to lighten their skin tone. But, in the pursuit for a fairer or lighter complexion, they forget that any skin tone looks beautiful when it has a natural glow and shine to it. The easiest way to keep your skin tone shining and glowing is by keeping your skin well hydrated.

Going for dermatologist sessions can be costly. But with these easy home remedies, you will be able to attain that fair looking complexion:

 Papaya and Fair and Smooth Skin: Papaya is rich in antioxidants and is a renowned   home remedy for fair complexion.

Slice a ripe papaya and rub it on your face early in the morning.

Mash one small fresh ripe papaya

Add 1 to 2 tsp of milk to the pulp.

Apply it all over the skin and let the mixture remain on your body for 10 to 15 minutes before you take bath.

It also soothes your skin tanned by the Sun.

The Magic of Lemon on Your Skin: Lemon is one of the natural skin whitening agents from natures basket.

Cut a lemon into four pieces and rub it all over your skin while bathing.

After two to three minutes, wash the skin and bathe with a natural soap that is free from chemicals.

Fair and Glowing Skin with Turmeric: For a fairer complexion there is nothing better than turmeric.

All you need is a pinch of turmeric powder, two tablespoons of gram flour, ¼ cup of milk.

Add all the ingredients together and mix them well to make a smooth paste.

Apply the prepared paste all over your body and let it remain for 5 to 10 minutes before you rinse it off while bathing.

Turmeric adds a natural golden hue to the skin, gram flour acts as an exfoliating agent and milk has whitening property. This home remedy makes your skin look fairer.

Bright Facial Skin with Egg Yolk and Honey: To make your face look fair and bright, prepare a face pack with egg, honey and milk.

Add 1 tsp of milk to egg yolk and egg white.

Now add one tsp of honey.

Mix all the ingredients together and apply it on your face.

Wash it off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Follow this procedure at least three times in a week.

Sandalwood for Fair Complexion: Use sandalwood paste prepared by mixing rose water and sandalwood powder.

Apply it regularly half hour before bath. Wash your face with cold and warm water alternately.

After some days your skin complexion should appear fairer and bright.

Almonds for Great Skin Texture: Soak almonds overnight in water and prepare a paste by grinding them in the morning.

Mix rose water to the paste and apply it all over the body.

It is one of the best natural home remedy for fair complexion.

Avoid swimming in sun, especially if the water is chlorinated. This could tan and irritate your skin pretty bad.

Avoid drinking too much of coffee or tea and caffeinated colas.

For a glowing skin, eat fruits and food rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

Benefits of Tulsi (Basil) in Health

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is the most important medicinal herb ever known. It has endless miraculous and medicinal values. The health benefits of tulsi include skin care, dental care, relief from respiratory disorders, asthma, fever, lung disorders, heart diseases, stress, etc.

Tulsi protects from nearly all sorts of infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Recent studies show that it is also helpful in inhibiting growth HIV and carcinogenic cells.

The health benefits of Tulsi are as follows:

Fever & Cold
Fever is mainly caused due to infections from protozoa (in case of malaria), bacteria (typhoid), viruses (flu) and even allergic substances and fungus. So, fever is just a symptom which shows that the body is fighting against infections. The miraculous healing properties of Tulsi come mainly from its essential oils and Phytonutrients. It is an excellent anti biotic, fungicidal, germicidal, disinfectant, and very efficiently protects the body from nearly all sorts of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. The tremendous disinfectant, germicidal and fungicidal properties of Tulsi destroys all these pathogens and heals fever.

Skin Care
Washing your face with simply applying the paste of leaves of Tulsi on infected area of the skin in case of skin diseases or simply consuming Tulsi leaves, keeps your skin free from all infections. You can take your daily bath by mixing it with water. It cures skin disorders internally and externally, without any side effects. This property mainly comes from its essential oils which are highly anti biotic, disinfectant, anti bacterial and anti fungal in nature. Leaves or oil extracted from it on the body keeps mosquitoes and other insects away. External application on the skin also removes extra oil from the skin surface. Camphene in it, gives a soothing cooling effect.

Heart Diseases
Tulsi contains vitamin C and other anti oxidants (such as Eugenol), which protect the heart from harmful effects of free radicals.

Vitamin C and other anti oxidants in Tulsi, apart from repairing damages done by the free radicals, can minimize the stress induced by these oxidants. They soothe nerves, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and thus reduce stress. One such component is Camphene. Potassium (K) also reduces blood pressure related stress by replacing sodium (Na).

Control Cholesterol Of Blood
Eugenol, a component in its essential oils, is very beneficial in reducing cholesterol from blood.

Respiratory Disorders
Tulsi is very effective in curing nearly all types of respiratory disorders including bronchitis (chronic and acute). By curing viral, bacterial and fungal infections of the respiratory system, it gives miraculous relief in congestion due to presence of components like Camphene, Eugenol and Cineole in its essential oils.

Tulsi is very beneficial in Asthma, and it relieves congestion and facilitates breathing. The Phytonutrients and the essential oils, with the help from other minerals in it, can help to cure the causes of asthma.

Lung Disorders
The compounds like vitamin C, Camphene, Eugenol and Cineole present in the essential oils of Tulsi, can cure the infections. They also can cure congestion of the lungs. They are found effective in healing damages caused to the lungs due to smoking, tuberculosis, lung cancer etc. Tulsi helps cure tuberculosis due to its anti biotic properties.

Oral Care
Tulsi is an excellent mouth freshener (this freshness lasts very long) and oral disinfectant. It destroys most of the germs and bacteria in the mouth and this effect lasts long. It can cure ulcer in the mouth and also cano help inhibit growth of oral cancer caused by chewing tobacco etc.

Dental Care
Bacteria are responsible for dental cavities, plaque, tartar, bad breath, etc. Tulsi destroys these bacteria and protects teeth. The astringent properties of it, make the gums hold the teeth tighter thereby protecting them from falling. But always avoid chewing of these leaves of Tulsi. It has certain compounds mercury (having rich germicidal properties) which is harmful for the teeth in direct contact for a long.

Kidney Stones
Tulsi, being detoxifier and mild diuretic in nature, can help reduce uric acid level (main culprit as far as kidney stones are concerned) concentration in the blood as well as helps cleaning of the kidneys through urination. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and certain components in its essential oils also facilitate dissolution of the stone. It has painkiller effects and help bear the pain from kidney stones.

Eye Care & Headache
You can be free from conjunctivitis, boils and many other problems of eyes (which are caused due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection) by washing your eyes with water where few leaves of Tulsi are soaked. It also soothes eyes and reduces stress. A regular consumption can protecteyes from all the damages done by the free radicals, such as cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, vision defects, opthalmia etc. due to the high anti oxidant properties of its essential oils, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc. Headaches caused due to migraine, sinus, cough and cold, high blood pressure, etc. can be effectively controlled by the use of Tulsi. Camphene, Eugenol, Cineol, Carvacrol and Methyl Chavicol have excellent analgesic, sedative, anti congestive and disinfectant properties.

Anti Ageing
Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Phytonutrients and the essential oils in Tulsi, are excellent anti oxidants and protects the body from nearly all the damages caused by the free radicals. In traditional Indian medicine system called Ayurveda, it is considered as a tonic to retain youth and avoid aging.

Tulsi can protect from radiation poisoning and also heal up damages from it. It acts as a vaccine against pox if consumed regularly. It is anti carcinogenic and it found to be effective in healing nearly all types of cancer and tumors. It is very efficient in curing cough and cold. It is also beneficial in reducing labor pain, destroying rabies germs, treating gastroenteritis, mumps, cholera, whooping cough, measles, rheumatism, nausea, septic, urinary, genital infections, destroying worms in stomach. Dried leaves are use as an insect-repellant by mixed with food grains.

Tips for Stop Hair Loss

If you are suffering from hair loss, you have reached the right spot to find out how to stop hair loss naturally. Here we discuss hair loss, causes of hair loss, ways to stop hair loss, foods to stop hair loss and much more…
While hair loss may not necessarily be a disease in the conventional sense, it can still cause a lot of suffering. Traditionally, hair loss has been regarded negatively, and subconsciously associated with aging and loss of beauty. Thus hair loss, especially if it is premature, is capable of causing great emotional turmoil and in some cases, may even lead to social withdrawal.

No one can understand the agony of an individual who is going through hair fall than the one who has experienced the pain. The advice given on this website is derived both from scientific facts and my personal experience. Let’s take a look at some selected and effective tips to prevent hair loss:

How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 1
Start Consuming a Good Multivitamin + Multimineral Pill

If you are experiencing major hair fall, it indicates deficiency of key nutrients in your body. To take care of that, along with a good and balanced diet, take multivitamins and multiminerals to replenish the nutrient deficiency in your body fast and prevent hair loss. You can buy them from any “health food” store. Just ask for the best multivitamin-multimineral tablet available that gets easily absorbed into the adult body. The idea is to ensure proper nutrient supply into your body to resume its proper functioning and stop hair loss.

How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 2
Drink Plenty of Water Daily

Drinking at least between 10 and 14 – 8oz. glasses of water every day is another great way to prevent hair loss. Water helps wash off toxins from your body. These toxins could be a major reason for hair loss. Drink distilled water or at least filtered water that does not contain Chlorine, lead, etc. for healthy hair.

How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 3
Cut Caffeine

I find this one the hardest! Caffeine is a diuretic, which makes you urinate out more liquid than you take in causing dehydration. Dehydration of your body and hair roots is another key reason for hair loss. Replace your daily coffee intake with a fruit beverage, milk or any other non-caffeinated drink to those shiny and healthy hair.

How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 4
Sleep Is the Key – Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night

Proper amount of sleep every night is vital for your overall health and that of your hair as well. Sleep is the time for the body to regenerate and recover from the day’s work, removing the toxins you inhaled, eaten and drank. A sound sleep helps you in getting a sound and healthy body and controls hair falling.

How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 5
Know what you apply to your hair!

Most of the men hardly care about the shampoo they are using. I have seen a lot of my friends using a four-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body wash & automotive degreaser in one easy-to-use bottle for hair!

Always use good hair care products and not just any scented shampoo. Add special hair care products to your routine and you’ll feel natural after trying it for a couple of days. Using specialized and good hair care products is a significant step towards hair loss prevention.